
Faithfully serving churches and Christians with sound legal counsel for over half a century

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Our Story

The ministry of the Christian Law Association began with a phone call from a pastor in Ohio. As a young attorney, David C. Gibbs, Jr., could hardly believe his ears as the pastor relayed how his church was being sued by the state…

Our Services

The Christian Law Association offers a wide variety of services, free of charge, to churches, ministries, and Christians. Some of these services include free legal counsel to churches and Christians for their ministries…

Featured Resource

Across the Miles Few people are more willing to “tell on themselves” than Dr. David Gibbs. If you have ever heard him preach, you likely remember the story he used to illustrate the point of his message… [more]

Recent Articles

Volunteer Benefits

Volunteer Benefits

Under U. S. law, those who qualify as volunteers must be pure volunteers indeed! Suppose Jenna wants to volunteer as a teacher for the Christian school operated by her local church. Suppose she is willing to teach full-time and to receive no money whatsoever...

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Are You Licensed to Sing That? 

Are You Licensed to Sing That? 

Many churches livestream their services, which can be a great help to people who are sick, shut in, or are for whatever reason unable to attend church in person. The copyright rules and regulations are a little strange. Essentially, churches may place a...

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Can Bible Clubs Use the School PA System?

Can Bible Clubs Use the School PA System?

We recently became involved in a situation in the Deep South involving a high school instructor who worked in a local public school. This rather large school had a number of student-led clubs, including a chess club, an archery club, and a Bible club. This...

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