Take a Minute for Minutes

February 3, 2025

We live in a country that has been blessed beyond measure.  As we enter 2025, our recommendation is that your ministry prioritize the recording of accurate board meeting minutes. If it’s not something you’re already certain is happening, it’s important to do not only because such records are helpful, but also because they are legally necessary for several reasons: 

• It is immensely helpful to have accurate details regarding specific events and votes, particularly if there is ever a disagreement or conflict.

• Such records are generally court-admissible to support what actually happened at the meeting.

• Minutes assist in providing a record that the board is meeting their duties of care. 

• Meeting minutes are often required by state law. 

All of that said, it’s also important to know how to take proper minutes. Too much information can be just as bad as no information. The best minutes provide a broad but clear summary of meeting points and issues without delving into exact quotes. The minutes of every meeting should contain the following:

1. Date and time of meeting

2. Place of meeting

3. Statement that the meeting was duly called:

a. State who called the meeting.

b. State what notice of the meeting was given.

c. Attach a copy of the notice or attach a duly signed waiver of notice.

4. Name of the presiding officer of the meeting

5. Name of the meeting secretary

6. Names of those present

7. Number of people present in person and number present by proxy (if applicable)

8. Reading, correction, and adoption of minutes of the previous meeting

9. Record of what occurred at the meeting:

a. Resolutions proposed

b. Resolutions adopted (The names of proposers and seconders need not be stated, unless they request it.)

c. Record of those who voted for or against a proposal (if they wish to have this recorded)

d. Reports of officers and committees

10. Time of adjournment 

11. Signature of the secretary

12. Counter-signature of the presiding officer, which will be obtained at the next meeting when the minutes are adopted

Lastly, choose carefully the person who will record your minutes. The job is important, and the person doing it needs to understand the ministry well enough to hone in on important issues that need to be noted while understanding which conversations or exchanges are irrelevant. Having accurate board meeting minutes will go a long way toward protecting your ministry in the event that they are needed.